Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Best Foods for Breast Cancer Prevention

It’s never too early to be thinking about breast cancer prevention, and besides getting regular mammograms and exercise, one of the best ways to keep yourself healthy and cancer free is have a clean diet full of super foods. Here are just a few of the foods that studies have proven to be superior to others in terms of cancer prevention.

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Walnuts – Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential to mental health and reducing inflammation, and have also been shown to slow the growth of breast cancer tumors even after diagnosis.

Berries – These colorful and delicious little gems contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which aide in breast cancer prevention. Blueberries are especially beneficial because of their known effect of enhancing the often prescribed drug tamoxifen in fighting cancer cells.

Apples – Don’t peel your apples! The skin is where apples get most of their antioxidants, fiber, and other cancer fighting compounds. Lab studies have shown that apple peel fights the spread of cancer cells, and good news: the research came from plain ole Gala apples, which are readily available.

Garlic – Cell drying is the process in which a normal, healthy cell might become cancerous; but luckily garlic has been proven to regulate this process. It achieves this with its high level of allyl sulfide. Allyl sulfide is also highly prevalent in the onion family. However, if you are on blood thinners or certain other medications you should talk with your doctor before taking garlic supplements to avoid possible drug interactions.

Broccoli – Broccoli is high in fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, and K, and the mineral iron. It is widely hailed as an all types of cancer prevention superfood as it blocks tumor growth, and helps prevent the spreading if cancer does occur. Studies have also shown broccoli helps prevent osteoarthritis, depression, osteoporosis, improves digestion, helps fight vision loss and repair skin damage, and improves immunity. As you can tell from my extensive list, broccoli can help with pretty much anything; so sprinkle on some garlic and go to town.

Flaxseed – Flaxseed contains healthy fats like those in fish and avocados, and ground flaxseed contains a component called lignans, which actually decreases cancer growth. You can buy ground flaxseed, grind the seeds up yourself in a coffee grinder, or can buy ground in pre measured packs. Use it in smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, salads, or mix it into muffins or pancakes. Use your imagination! (This article is also a great tool.)

Green tea – Green tea and white tea both contain a compound known as catechins, extracts that show benefit in breast cancer prevention. Research suggests that especially green tea helps protect your cells from environmental exposures that may increase the risk for cancer. However, with regular green tea you have to drink four or more cups a day to achieve this effect. Enter matcha. Matcha is a earthy green powder made from green tea leaves, and studies have shown that one teaspoon of matcha is equivalent to ten cups of regular green tea, making it above and beyond a superfood. Matcha is readily available at health food stores and not only makes a delicious drink, but can be added into smoothies, baked into cookies and cakes, and can even be added to egg scrambles and guacamole! (Not to mention matcha ice cream, which is my personal favorite.) If you need more ideas, this article has some great ones. 

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And there you have it. These are just a few of the healthy foods you can incorporate into your diet to help stay cancer free; and remember, your doctor can always help shape a personalized diet for your individual needs

1 comment:

  1. Some people believe you cannot prevent cancer, but they don't know that certain lifestyle habits can lessen the chances of developing cancer. Example is eating a lot of veggies and fruits, less fats and red meat. Eating right would be our first line of defense against developing cancer as based on an alternative cancer treatment center in Arizona, New Hope Unlimited, eating right would entail consciously choosing what you buy and what you cook. Eliminating cancer-causing produce in your pantry is the first thing you should do.
