Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Best Foods for Bone Health

Here at Clermont Radiology we offer DEXA scans, which measure bone density. Women mostly get bone density scans to check for osteoporosis, but it’s never too early to start thinking about bone health. There are plenty of foods that you think of when it comes to bone health; dairy products like cheese and milk being the major ones. They contain calcium, which is essential for bone health since calcium supports bones and teeth structure. Some dairy products also contain Vitamin D, which improves calcium absorption and bone growth. Besides dairy products, there are plenty of other foods that are great for your bones, too! Let’s take a look.

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Fish: Salmon and sardines contain a ton of calcium and Vitamin D (Salmon actually contains 100% of your daily Vitamin D needs in a 3 oz piece,) and other varieties such as mackerel and tuna also contain Vitamin D.

Eggs: Eggs don’t contain too much Vitamin D, but eating a couple is a good way to get it regardless. The Vitamin D is in the egg yolks, however, so make sure to keep them!

Spinach: One cup of cooked spinach contains 25% of your daily calcium, and also plenty of fiber, iron, and Vitamin A, as well as Vitamin K which is also essential to bone health.

Collard greens: One cup of cooked collards, like spinach, contains 25% of your daily calcium needs and plenty of Vitamin K.

Fortified cereal: A lot of cereal companies are adding calcium to their cereals, and they can give you half a day’s worth of calcium in one serving. Some also contain Vitamin D - up to 25%! Check your labels, but some of the best fortified brands are Kashi and Wheaties.

Fortified orange juice: Orange juice doesn’t naturally contain calcium or Vitamin D, but companies like Tropicana have begun including these nutrients into the orange juice. Studies have also shown that the asorbic acid in orange juice may help with calcium absorption. 

Tofu and soybeans: One half cup of firm tofu fortified with calcium gets you 20 percent of the daily recommendation for calcium. It’s also protein packed, and delicious when stir fried with any sauce! Tofu’s counterpart, soybeans, are also packed with calcium and magnesium.

Almonds: Another great nutrient needed for bone health is magnesium. 24 almonds will provide 20 percent of your daily magnesium needs as well as being a great source of healthy fats, but be careful – they’re also high in calories. One ounce is 160 calories!

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These are just a few of the foods that you can look for when concerned about your bone health. Be sure to maintain a well rounded diet, and if you are in need of a bone density DEXA scan, be sure to contact us here at Clermont Radiology.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I do agree that spinach is the only green leafy vegetable that can give you numerous health benefits. You can easily find it from any super market and this is full of nutrients. Spinach is rich in vitamin A, C, E and folic acid. This has the ability to maintain bone health so, it will be an ideal vegetable for those people who are suffering from poor bone health. I think your article is very helpful to understand the health benefits of spinach . If you still have any query kindly visit this site for information.
