Thursday, March 13, 2014

Medical Insurance Questions

It doesn't matter if you are getting a diagnostic imaging procedure or just going for a routine visit to the doctor, coverage is a big question. Currently there is a disparity between coverage and medical costs in the US. Some of that disparity can be attributed to the enormous amounts of conditions placed on patients by insurance companies. If a patient goes to get an MRI, CT scan, or X-Ray they may not be able to pay for it simply because either their insurance won’t cover it or they just don’t have any coverage.

This problem is an epidemic that’s been before legislative scrutiny in congress for well over 40 years. Today, in 2013, the debate over proper medical care rages on. Countries with burgeoning economies are ahead of the pack because in part they have strong healthcare drivers. So let’s answer a question about coverage in the upcoming year.

The question is simple, what if we don’t have coverage?

Not having coverage will require paying fees, an example of said fees is outlined in and it goes as follows:

  • The fee in 2014 is 1% of your yearly income or $95 per person for the year, whichever is higher. The fee increases every year. In 2016 it is 2.5% of income or $695 per person, whichever is higher.
  • In 2014 the fee for uninsured children is $47.50 per child. The most a family would have to pay in 2014 is $285.

The numbers don’t look nearly as frightening as one might think, but still, coverage is a major necessity. If a person is uninsured they may get away as long as certain qualifications are met, such as:

  • Being uninsured for less than 3 months of the year.
  • Determined to have very low income and coverage is considered not affordable.
  • Not being required to file a tax return because their income is too low.
  • Participating in a health care sharing ministry.

This may seem like an improvement and it may be far from one as well. A big problem is the way this is perceived by physicians and the level of resistance it may face from politicians on both sides of the isle. Unfortunately for the patient healthcare has become extremely complex and in some cases has lost site of the patient’s needs.

It’s vital that practitioners all keep site of the need to take care of the patient. If you have any questions about diagnostic imaging procedures please feel free to give us a call. Our team of dedicated professionals here at Clermont Radiology looks forward to answering your questions.

Charla Hurst
General Operations Manager  

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